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Moving forward!! The future of web tech

27 Oct 2016 . category: tech . Comments

Its almost 2017 now, and and the web technology evolve at a really fast rate. Compare 20 years ago and now, it seems like plethora of new programming language pop up each year. However, what make me explore more about the option of programming language is the absence of support for concurrency in the popular programming languages available now. Therefore, I think its natural that a startup company looking to scale to look at the available tech right now.

There are a couple of language that Im thinking about when talking about rising new web programming language. Go, Elixir, Scala and Clojure. Im sure there are many other notable language but these 4 are the most that I heard about.

Out of the 4, I choose Elixir as the one that I’ll learn first. Why? Because its a fun language to learn, at least what I was told. However, a much bigger reason is that a lot of ruby dev(like me) choose to try Elixir as Elixir did drew some inpiration from Ruby, and they all love it. Another extra point, Elixir is derived from Erlang, which is a tried and true programming language for 30 years. Elixir can use Erlang’s available library

I do intend to learn other languages as well but for now, I need to solidify my programming skill first before hopping into another languages.

I will let you know about programming in Elixir more once I mastered it. I may also blog about the learning process, so stay tune.



Abdul Muhaimin is an awesome person. He lives in Selangor, Malaysia, where he works on two-dimensional engineering projects. In his spare time, Muhaimin likes to play Dota 2.